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Wireless System Programming and Tuning for Michigan

We work with you to design end-to-end solutions to meet your communication needs, whether that’s simply communication between radios, connecting with the devices you already own, or addition additional features such as GPS location monitoring and security and video surveillance. We are proud to partner with our customers and want to ensure that you’ll get the most out of your investment and ensure the longevity of your equipment by providing annual maintenance.

Tele-Rad’s technicians have been trained and certified on programming and installation of communications equipment, as well as troubleshooting and resolving issues that may arise. We utilize state-of-the-art service monitors to test and tune radios. This prevents problems before they arise and calibrates your system so your radios work when and where they are needed.

Regular check-ups allow your radios to work at their best. We strongly recommend annual testing and tuning of your system and subscriber radios to maintain peak performance.

Benefits of Testing your System and Subscriber Radios

  • Doing an annual maintenance check on your radio system can identify equipment that is not operating properly, and help to prevent system downtime.
  • Yearly checks will also optimize your system and equipment to achieve best performance over time.
  • Radios drift frequency, and power over time causing them to perform poorly. In extreme cases, can cause them to transmit onto another FCC licensed frequency. Regular tuning will keep your system optimized and make sure you are operating legally and efficiently.
  • Annual maintenance on your system can save you money, time, and headaches because regular maintenance will almost all possible issues prior to failure.

What Does Annual Test and Tune Include?

  • Physical inspection of the equipment
  • Remove dust and foreign objects inside and out
  • Measure, record, test, tune, align and restore to factory specifications and with FCC regulations
  • Ensure correct receiving and transmitting frequencies
  • Evaluate battery condition and service life
  • Check reflected power in the antenna lines of mobile radios and repeaters
  • Recalibrate equipment to original parameters based on your programming
  • Upgrade with the most recent firmware (if Essential Services is purchased)

For more information, contact us today.

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